

The reason for this post will be for showing the storyboards for the trailer and the things that we want to show in the trailer the exact shots that we going to use at the point and how much of the story that we going to tell and the amount of dialogue that we going show in the trailer. I will look at some animatics and maybe try it but I’m, not the best at animating so I’m not promising anything that this time. the main that I am going to show the structure of the trailer is going through the storyboard and early concepts of the environment and explain the reason behind choosing said thing. the aim of this post is to get a set plan for the shots that we want for the trailer and set plan for the structure I think that it will help at this point to have it all set out because then we know exactly what we need.

Looking at animatics

most animatics are usually animated for songs which means that a lot of the tips are dealing song and express it through the music that represents the tips are still useful but im probably going have to focus on the story aspect and shots.

(Bez Morgan, 2019)

after watching this I think that I’m going to stick with a storyboard just because we fast deadline coming up but this is something that I’m interested in doing meaning that I’m going to look at this in my spare time.


The storyboard

  • plane.
  • plane crash.
  • sole survivor.
  • searches the island and finds a bunker.
  • goes inside finds a long corridor.
  • finds elevator (goes down).
  • the character starts to freak out a bit.
  • it goes away and the character realises its research base for something.
  • presses button activates something.
  • the portal opens stuff starts to leak out.

red equals act one, blue equals act two and purple is act 3

Explaining the storyboard

act one

you can see smoke in the sky as it slowly cuts in from black and screams then the cameras pans around a crash site on an island in the middle Bermuda triangle. The camera focuses on a sole survivor and then it shows clips of him trying to a survivor like creating a fire trying to hunt food with words going over it or something. then he finds an abandoned army research base that leads him to a lift. I’m doing this section of the trailer which I’m very excited about doing because I have almost full control of the atmosphere of the trailer. After all, it’s the introduction of the trailer which means that I have to get the viewers interested and they got to be invested by what I show at the start.

act two

he goes into this lift then he goes down to this huge corridor and finds another elevator then he doesn’t know if he should go down this one but he hears something that scares him down then he makes down into the same corridor but it’s different like off or something and wrong then he hallucinates stuff all around this lead him into the huge room, also Aaron is doing this section.

act three

the hallucinations go away and he realises that he is pressing a button of some sort then it comes on the screen that “…. had been activated” then he hears something starting then the hallucination get worse and then he falls then the activated thing turns out to be a portal of some sort then something blasts out of and it’s very similar to the hallucination that freaks him out then a hand reaches out then another and so on kyle is going to do these shots of the trailer.

Concept art

This is some concept art that I quickly did because the ideas were through my head and I would forget it if I didn’t draw it out. This is early concepts meaning that this doesn’t set anything stone like the fact that named the portal the “displace” which I thought was pretty interesting and the things that this shows well is the fact that is hostile place due to the blood marks. The things that I did manage to get to look right is the perspective of the drawing this is due to my skill at drawing which is getting better with every drawing

The things that this concept is showing is the research base where the act 2 and 3 is taking place in the trailer, this is where you’ll see the portal and it spilling out the things that are going to come out the portal is neon themed so like inverted neon colours.


this is the environment that im making for the trailer project and so far im really happy with it and everything the things that I used mainly was bridge assets because they high quality and it’s basically just putting stuff in and making it look ok within the engine and the lighting. the video above it me making the environment for the water I’m going use 4.26 because it has some great water.

this is a more up to date version of the environment the things that I added was a texture to the environment as an added cliff of to the sides and rocks to some to some of the hills. I started to get some shot starter shots of the and using the sequencer and the camera cuts and this is some that I’m really liking because its similar to after-effects which I find simple one thing that I haven’t figured out is how to show a particle system on the camera ill add it to the sequencer and see what happens


This sets out the shots and what I want to put into the trailer, this really helps with the time scale of this project because it shows what I have to do and the time that I have left. About the storyboard, this was a group effort which means that I made it next to my team members and they gave me insight on what I should put into the storyboard this was not very hard because we had the story of the trailer right off the bat of this project, the one thing that I enjoyed doing was looking at the animatics and that’s a great but it is very music-based I should of look for more an animation reference version tutorial because that I think that would be more detailed into the drawings and the movement and how to keep consistency between frames of the animation. Other things that were fun doing was explaining storyboard because it’s fun. After all, you get into the thinking of the shots that we want to use and the type of atmosphere that we use scary or thrilling or a slight comedic feeling. Also, this blog post has made me want to use more often coloured font because its a change and it’s slightly inviting and now about the aim that was set for this blog “the aim of this post is to get a set plan for the shots that we want for the trailer and set plan for the structure I think that it will help at this point to have it all set out because then we know exactly what we need.” I think that this aim was met sort of because I know what I’m doing with my section, not the others I will find out and communicate better.


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