Evaluation project 1

The work that I did the work that I completed was a couple islands for the platforms, most of the menus, most of the concept art for most things. The things that I completed I was really happy with and one thing that I’m glad about this project was that I really pushed myself with…

target audience profile

introduction This post is about how we going to target an audience, the audience that is most likely to play our game how I’m going to get the analytics for three different games that inspired our game previously I had done some little research to see where I could get some stats for the audience…

bunny BALL development

models these are the platform models that we have done for the game. the island that I have made is a tunnel one, an obstacle one and a bumpy one these are going to be spawned randomly. I know these models look a bit simple but I did few things that I haven’t done before,…

Workshop Endless Runner

Introduction This workshop is going to cover all the things that an endless runner has keeping the ball moving forward, spawning the tiles continually and more things. The first aims that we have for the first bit of the workshop are to learn how to procedural generate tiles for the ball to roll on. the…

presentation pitch

The Presentation I thought that it went pretty well, my skills presenting could be better by speaking more and deciding before the presenting other things that I believe could be improved is the flow of the presentation like one of other teams had a content page which I really liked because it told what they…

Bunny BALL early concepts

research Bunny BALL- its the name for the game that we came up with like I previously the inspirations came from three rolling ball games (rolling sky, slope and super monkey ball). how it would work or the game-play would be like, it would be like slope where you are rolling down the hill there…

modelling and improving

The point of this post is to see the improvement between some, and how to explain some of the game of the terms. We are also getting into teams for which help spread the idea and help explain the terms the main goal of the of this post to understand the how they improved the…

Game Jam -Research

Introduction The explanation of this task that game jam is a worldwide event about making games within like a day or so. This block is going to contain the research for the making of rolling ball game the goal with this block of work is gain an understanding the audience, how to target that audience…